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A park resident
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Wednesday 13 April 2011

Nerima Gardens

Nestled within Queen's Park is the enchanting Nerima Gardens .

Nerima Gardens inviting entrance
 Nerima Gardens was opened in 2001,  in conjunction with Ipswich's sister city in Japan, Nerima .
Nerima is situated on the eastern coast of Japan, south of Fukushima and is one of many international communities Ipswich shares links with. These friendly ties between nations have shared benefits and Nerima Gardens is a cultural gift  to wonder at .

Official opening 17 May 2001
                                                                                                          Passing through the gates marking the
entrance to Nerima Gardens really gives the impression of leaving Ipswich behind and crossing over into Japan .
 The gardens are a unique blend of  Australian and oriental plants cultivated in authentic Japanese style. The hypnotic walkways take you onto a journey of peace and tranquility difficult to describe and hard to compare .
As you wander along the pathways you will find rest stops and benches conveniently positioned to pause and appreciate the serenity of this place. It is one of those timeless places that calls you back and leaves you with an inner peace.It definitely is a highlight of Ipswich .

Scenic view into gardens
 While walking around one of Nerima's twisting paths I met Bob. Bob  (now retired from another iconic Ipswich landmark, The Workshop Railway )and his wife have been coming been coming back here for the past few years to enjoy the peace and quiet while getting a couples walk in. (This place is a sure winner for that !)
The gardens are also home to and abundance of wildlife. The streams and ponds are home to fish, frogs and turtles. Ducks and Magpie Geese also live on and around the pond.Butterflies and Dragon Flies are common to see and coming across a Bearded Dragon family sunning themselves is sure to give you a thrill (no matter how old you are) .

People of all ages enjoy the gardens

On the 19 November 2009, Nerima Mayor Toshiro Shimura travelled to Ipswich to unveil the Nerima Tea house. Mayor Paul Pisasale was more than happy to open the tea house for official functions and strengthening the bonds between the two cities. The tea house offers a nice shady retreat on the walk nestled amongst the gently cascading creeks .

Lizard Corner

Official opening of Gardens Tea House 12 Nov 2009

View of Nerima Teahouse from above

Side view of Tea House

Pathways leading to tucked away delights

Nerima Gardens is a magical place unlike any other and well worth the visit .

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful spot! It's amazing how many Aussie cities have links with Japan!!

    Have a great day!!
